

来源:中国管理科学学会    日期:2020-01-17    浏览量:41127次



· 新的全球治理框架下的中日韩合作

· 中日韩三国经济一体化进程

· 中日韩第三方市场与“一带一路”全球合作

· 新一轮科技与数字革命中的中日韩数字产业链

· 中日韩三国企业的CSR战略

· 中日韩三国文化产业合作

· 中日韩企业文化比较研究

· 中日韩经济外溢性研究

· 中日韩企业并购研究

◆ 时间: 

◆ 地点: 


◆ 主办单位


◆ 承办单位


◆ 协办单位





◆ 学术支持单位


◆ 合作期刊




◆ 支持机构




中日韩区域合作与发展论坛始于2002年,前身系“东北亚经济与管理合作论坛(Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference)”, 2018年该论坛正式升级为“中日韩区域合作与发展论坛”。论坛的成立旨在围绕东北亚地区的稳定和合作展开深度研究,开展包括政治、经济、历史文化领域在内的学术研究和讨论,共同探索中日韩三国的经济、文化整合的发展之路。

“2020中日韩区域合作与发展论坛暨第十七届东北亚经济与管理合作论坛”, 由北京外国语大学主办,北京外国语大学国际商学院承办。举办本次论坛的目的是为了巩固和发展国内外学术界在中日韩三国研究领域所取得的影响力和学术成果,更好地推动学校学科资源和学术资源与国际学术界的交流和融合,促进东北亚地区的经济合作,为全球东北亚研究学术界提供一个集中交流与研究的平台。会议将于5月29日-31日在北京外国语大学举行。

◆ 征稿要求


1. 论文没有在任何刊物或著作中公开发表过;

2. 全文均应有标题、内容提要、关键词、作者姓名、单位,来稿文字应为中文或英文,中文稿件需要有英文标题和英文摘要(200字以内和5个以内关键词),英文稿件不需要中文摘要。

3. 来稿请在首页单独一页注明作者的姓名、单位、职称、通讯地址、邮编、联系电话和Email地址、微信号(便于在线沟通)等详细信息。

4. 论文全文(Word格式)请发至投稿邮箱:cjkforum@bfsu.edu.cn。

5. 作者可以先提交详细论文摘要(800-1000字),在论文全文截止时间之前提交论文全文。

6. 会议将进行优秀论文评审,并颁发优秀论文证书和奖金,并有可能会被推荐至SAGE OPEN(SSCI),《国际论坛》(CSSCI),《区域与全球发展》期刊发表。

7、本次会议对文章字数没有具体要求,但是如想将文章投稿至SAGE OPEN(SSCI),《国际论坛》(CSSCI),《区域与全球发展》期刊,需满足:SAGE OPEN(SSCI)(字数要求8000字左右,需提供150字摘要和4-5个关键词),《国际论坛》(CSSCI)(稿件总篇幅以10000—15000字为宜,500字以内的摘要和5个以内关键词),《区域与全球发展》(投稿字数12000—15000字 摘要300—500字 关键词3-5个)。




◆ 会议注册


◆ 会议联系人





Call For Papers(First-round)

The 2020 International Forum on Regional Cooperation

of China, Japan and South Korea


Forum Theme: ‘The Restructuring and Upgrading of Economic Cooperation

Among China, Japan and South Korea: Co-creation of a New Era for C-J-K’

Date:May 29th-31st, 2020

Forum Location:Beijing Foreign Studies University

No.2/19 West Third Ring Rd, Haidian District, Beijing,P.R.China.


Sponsor:Beijing Foreign Studies University;

Organizer:International Business School, BFSU


School of Asian Studies, BFSU

National and Regional Research Bases of the Ministry of Education-Beijing Center for Japanese Studies, BFSU

G20-BFSU Center, BFSU

Society of Management Science of China-Industrial Financial Management Committee

Academic Support: 

Trilateral Cooperation Secretariat

Cooperation Publication: 

SAGE OPEN Publishing (SSCI) /

<International Forum> (CSSCI) /

<Area Studies and Global Development>

Supporting organization: 

Alliance of Silk Road Business Schools

Alliance of New Business Construction and



On 24th December 2019, the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea jointly established a new framework for future cooperation among the three countries. The development of the relations between the three countries has ushered in a major opportunity for upgrading and transformation, which will definitely play an important role in maintaining peace and stability and enhancing economic development in Northeast Asia and the world. All three countries are beneficiaries of globalization and international cooperation. They are all clearly opposed to unilateralism and anti-globalization and are committed to maintaining a free global trading system. All three countries are making effort to put aside disagreements; seeking common ground while reserving differences to embrace the new era of global governance together.  


The International Forum on Regional Cooperation of China, Japan and South Korea was founded in 2002, is predecessor of the ‘Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference’. In 2018, the forum was officially upgraded and transformed into ‘The International Forum on Regional Cooperation of China, Japan and South Korea’ and was successfully held in the same year. The establishment of the forum aims to promote in-depth research on the stability and cooperation in Northeast Asia. The forum conducts academic researches and discussions that covers political, economic, historical and cultural fields with the purpose of exploring further development of economic and cultural integration among China, Japan and South Korea.


The 2020 International Forum on Regional Cooperation of China, Japan and South Korea, cum as ‘the 17 th Northeast Asia Management and Economics Joint Conference’ is organized by Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) and hosted by the International Business School of BFSU.


The forum aims at consolidating and developing the academic achievements and influence that are gained in this research field. It offers outstanding opportunities for business leaders and academics to share their insights in promoting economic co-operations in Northeast Asia and provides a platform of research collaboration for academics of the Northeast Asian research community.

The 2020 forum is scheduled to be held at Beijing Foreign Studies University (BFSU) on May 29th-31st, 2020.


The theme of this forum is determined as ‘The Restructuring and Upgrading of Economic Cooperation Among China, Japan and South Korea: Co-creation of a New Era for C-J-K’.

Sub-topics include the following:

· C-J-K Cooperation under the New Global Governance Framework

· Economic Integration Process of C-J-K

· C-J-K Third Party Market and Global Cooperation on the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative

· C-J-K Digital Industrial Chain in a New Round of Technological and Digital Revolution

· CSR Strategies of C-J-K Enterprises

· Culture Industry Cooperation Among C-J-K

· Comparative Research Study on C-J-K’s Corporate Culture

· Research Study on C-J-K’s Economic Spillovers

· Research Study on C-J-K’s Enterprise Merger and Acquisition


All submissions should be original and shall be submitted in English or Chinese. 

Specific submission requirements are as follows:

1. Papers submitted should have not been previously published and publicized in any publications;

2. Papers can be submitted in English or Chinese, with a title, an abstract, key words, authors’ name(s) and institute(s). Papers in Chinese should also include a title and an abstract in English (word limit: 200; key word limit: 5), while Chinese title or abstract is not required for English papers.

3. Front page should include authors’ name(s), institute(s), academic title, postal address, zip code, contact number, email address and We-chat number (if available);

4. Electronic submissions (word doc.) should be sent to: cjkforum@bfsu.edu.au.

5. A detailed abstract shall be submitted first (800-1000 words), followed by the submission of the full paper by the due date;

6. Papers will be reviewed by the forum and outstanding papers will be awarded and to be recommended for publication in <SAGE OPEN> (SSCI), <International Forum> (CSSCI) and <Regional and Global Development>.

7. There is no word limit for papers submitted to this forum. Publications may have specific requirements for word limits, please refer to the below as a guideline:

  <SAGE OPEN> (SSCI): main text: 8000; abstract 150; key word: 4-5

<International Forum> (CSSCI): main text: 10,000-15,000, abstract: 500 words; key words: 5

<Regional and Global Development>: main text: 12,000-15,000; abstract: 300-500; key word: 3-5



Detailed abstract submission deadline: April 18th, 2020

Full-text paper submission deadline: May 9th, 2020



The registration fee is 1200 Yuan RMB per person, 800 Yuan RMB per student, payable at the conference site and invoice will be issued. For authors of accepted papers by the forum, registration fee will be waived. Transportation and accommodation expenses are self-supported.



JIN Yujie

+86(10) 88818121

Beijing Foreign Studies University

cjkforum@bfsu.edu.cn (for submission of papers and abstracts only)